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automotive industry special

Based on the last events and expressed high interest we plan to conduct a series of business trips for the automotive industry in

Bulgaria (18th until 21th of April 2022) in Serbia (04th until 08th of July 2022) and Romania (26th until 29th of September 2022). Throughout the markets, the trips will be held based on the motto  "supply chains and markets in South-East Europe". The focus will be on:

  1. individual and specific business talks/negotiations between german participants and local counterparts on management/decision making level;
  2. exchange and discussion on high level expertise  in a one-day-conference;
  3. visits of local corporations and institutions and talks about cooperation and expansion;
  4. meeting and negotiations with investment agencies, banks and institutions;

Based on the last events and expressed high interest we plan to conduct a series of business trips for the automotive industry in 

Bulgaria (18th until 21st of April 2022) in Serbia (04th until 08th of July 2022) and Romania (26th until 29th of September 2022). Throughout the markets, the trips will be held based on the motto  "supply chains and markets in South-East Europe". The focus will be on:

1. management level talks and specific business negotiations between german participants and local counterparts on decision making level;

2. exchange and discussion between high level experts  in a one-day-conference;

3. visits of numeouros local corporations and institutions and talks about cooperation and expansion;

4. meeting and negotiations with investment agencies, banks and institutions.

Please refer to our detailed program for more information.

We have invited selected companies to this event. Those will find the condictions and procedures in the registration document "Anmeldeformular".  Please follow the registration by clicking the registration button below.

Others, interested corporations we kindly ask  to first contact us via email ( or to call us +49 7071 55 06 44 to get information and capacities.

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