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our smart city portfolio

Among one of our latest and large-scale projects is the project with the City of Buzau. The City Administration of Buzău, Goduni International GmbH and AHK Romania worked together in this large-scale project, which has been supported and funded by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV).

In this project Goduni was the technology and solution partner - responsible for the program management, the capacity building and the technical / technology solution and engineering of the solution. The partners managed to design a conceptual model for the transition of the City towards green, intelligent and circular region in Romania combining waste management and recycling with water and energy management as well as with regional urban development through innovative technological solutions. Existing inefficiencies and losses due to largely outdated isolated solutions in these areas have been replaced by BAT (best available techniques) in each sector, supported by a smart monitoring, distribution and maintenance system. The model proposed for Buzău can be replicated and rolled out in other cities with similar challenges. The roll-out and implementation phase will start in March 2022 until 2025.

project parts & content

1. Decentralized district solutions & digital app

The self-sufficient and intelligent energy generation and supply structure allows both social housing and private residential quarters and blocks to switch from the current fossil-based and inefficient energy infrastructure to an emission-free, sustainable, efficient, digital / intelligent and inclusive generation and supply future. This goal is ensured with the Goduni- concept and with all components listed therein for all multi-housing / apartment block quarters of the city. The security and resilience of the supply and the back-up of this self-sufficient solution is ensured by the second element of Buzau's energy infrastructure, the "Smart Energy Park", described below. The intelligent and predictive digital solution and app (with predictive programming) connects the decentralized neighborhood solutions with the "Smart Energy Park" Buzau. The second back-up available to citizens and neighborhoods is the city and national utility grid. Refer to chapter 4.4.5. of the project handout.


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3. Smart Circular City

In a "digital and modern recycling green city" Buzau, we attach great importance to: 

1.    introduction of prevention programs, as presented in chapter 3.10.2;

2.   introduction of a comprehensive separate collection at the source in at least 4 fractions, as presented in chapter 3.10.3; 

3.   introduction of a polluter-oriented financing of waste management, as described in chapter 3.10.5;

4.   introduction of a digitalized solution for collection, monitoring and billing, as presented in chapter 3.10.5;

5.   introduction of a professional treatment of biowaste and the packaging through green, eco-nomic and sustainable treatment methods / plants aligned with the criteria of the EU taxonomy and with the involvement of the surrounding industry, as presented in chapter;

6.   creation of well-paid, safe and qualified jobs, including the inclusion of "waste pickers" and other similar groups, as presented in chapter 3.10.2.

4. Modernized water treatment

It is proposed to install modern local water treatment plants in order to make water use resource-saving, efficient and sustainable. The project is described in detail as a measure in sub-chapter IV. The following graphical representation explains the proposed process and solution. The wastewater of the settlements will be locally separated into black water from gray water and brought to two cycles (treatment as service water for reuse in the neighborhoods and sewage sludge for the biogas plant). The use of rainwater and river water (see lower project 8.6.) is interlocked with this measure and thus also increases the economic efficiency of both projects. This measure directly contributes to a better and more economical water supply and use as well as to the conservation of resources and the closing of cycles.

5. Green public transportation

The "Smart Energy Park", described in chapter 4.4.5, enables the conversion of the bus fleet of Buzau to emission-free / green drives. On the transport side, we propose the conversion of the city bus fleet to emission-neutral propulsion systems (electrification and / or hydrogen) in three phases in chapter 6. On the transport side, we propose the rapid (2022) tender for the planning, construction and commissioning of rapid charging system (HPC High Power Charger) at the depots, to further inductive charging stations at the main station, at the hospital district and at the business park to ensure the supply, as outlined in chapter chapter 6.

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